Then I pick them up.
So, now after a long day of customer service calls (AKA Ass Reaming, without dinner first), I get to be yelled at, slapped, called a big meany, and attitude face ... and all for what? I said NO to them when they asked, "Can we go to Wendy's for dinner??"
Now, we are not big fast food eaters simply because I just can't stand eating that garbage, and it is a waste of money. It's okay from time to time when you are too busy, but not every night (which is what they ask for every time I pick them up). So you can see, I am always the bad guy when I come to pick them up, after a day of missing them, and longing to hug them.
My twin 4 year old daughters are AWESOME, do not get me wrong, but they are like little teenagers. Phoebe is moody like a little Emo Edith Allen Poe, and Faith is Suzy Sunshine on Speed.
I know some people might say, "You work all week, and you still take me time , what about your kids??" And I say yes I do. My kids do not suffer when I take the hours they are sleeping and do what I want to do or do what I need to do, or do nothing at all. I actually have my me time between 9 and midnight every night, and between 5 Am and 6 AM every morning. What I choose to do is up to me, but I take it every single day.
How many of you chastise yourself for wanting a break from the chaos of toddlers? Why? Stop worrying about what society has to say, and maintain your sanity. In the end... we're all HUMAN, and all we can do is our best, and if you need 30 minutes to soak in the tub without "guests", then darn it, you take it! Just try to schedule it wisely. Instead of fighting the losing battle of me time when the kids are awake, take some extra time after they go to bed or before they wake up!
Twins, Triplets and on are a handful and a half (three times over). So you need to snag that time when you can and make it count! You are not a bad person for wanting to remove stress or just be YOU for 5 minutes. 5 minutes of you. Not mom, not wife, not employee, not chef, not chauffeur, just YOU. No one needing you for something...
You have a friend in me!
What do you do in your ME TIME? Comment below!