Dearest fruit of my loins, aka Faith and Phoebe,
A note on bed time. Yes, I understand that you want to stay up. I understand that in your mind, mommy and daddy wait until you are in sleepy time land to crack open a can of fun. Yes, we have clowns, and in fact, and entire circus comes to life in our living room once your little heads nod off. Just last night, I was talking to the bearded lady over a pint about how the pros and cons of shaving and waxing. Of course you'll know nothing about either of those things right now, but she is surprisingly knowledgeable about all manner of grooming. Oh! And your father and I took turns on the trapeze. They had a harder time flinging your daddy around but nonetheless, we had a blast. Eating peanuts with the elephants, discussing the importance of drinking water with the flame eaters, and of course, I had to get a high five from the lions just for Phoebe's sake. I mean... there was a giant CAT* ! I had to say wassup.
Of course you can use the bathroom for the 5th time in 2 minutes. Yep, the dog is still laying down. No, I don't think you need to change your pajamas again... who do you think is going to visit? Justin Bieber? and didn't we talk about that little thug? He is a bad dude... forget about him. Yes, I can leave a light on. No, you don't need another snack. Yes I love you. No I didn't forget to give you hugs and kisses... this is the 3rd set right here, okay? MUAH, (Squeeze). FINE! Sorry I will give them to you in the "proper order"... (Squeeze), Muah. Yes Phoebe, I will hug and kiss you again too. No I don't love Faithy more. You are both awesome. NO more water! You just went to the bathroom 5 times.... make that 6. Get back in bed please!
Seriously you two! There is nothing exciting happening after you go to sleep. Most nights mommy is trying like hell to get her coaching work done, or create new blogs for this blog, which is rather ironic that I am writing a blog about how you don't want to go to bed while arguing with you about how you don't want to go to bed, and that I need to write my blog (about how you don't like to go to bed on time). There will come a time when sleep is all you want to do. There will also come a time that you will want to sleep in until noon, and I promise you as your mother whom loves you very much, that I will wake your butt up bright and early like you currently do to me on a Saturday at 4AM. And even as I write this, and you have argued yourself to sleep on my rocking chair behind me... I cannot help but smile. You are too freaking adorable Faith.
I know you want to stay up, and I know you think you are missing things, but you aren't. Sweeties, I wish I could put your minds to rest about this matter. But you wouldn't believe me unless I went to bed at the same time as you and shut all the lights off. Right now, that is just not possible. One day I hope that you will look back at this and say, "At least she was trying to do that work when we were asleep, and not taking time away from our family time to work". You don't understand what is going on, or why I work into the late hours of the night .. sometimes early morning, but you will soon enough.
You think I am being unfair, but I promise you that I am simply trying to make a better life for our family, and for others who seek my help. Your mommy cares about the world... but she cares about you two and daddy most of all.
The most unfair mommy in the whole world
* Phoebe at this time in your life you are obsessed with cats... you think you are a cat, and have, on a number of occasions, told me that I stole you from your cat mother in the forest, and that I didn't actually birth you. We've endured a lot of face licking from you as well. Just sayin.