Sunday, December 29, 2013

Getting Healthy Week 4 Progress

Week 4 of Turbo Fire and...

 I am happy with my results so far.  Not only have I been able to handle running for longer distances and times, but I have increased my pace while doing so.  If you are on Runkeeper (app available at the Google Play Store), friend me (Lisa Kingslayer) and we can keep each other on track with our goals.

Drumroll please!

 Weight: 153 lbs (1 lb loss)
Biceps: 10.5" (.5" loss)
Waist: 28.75 (.25" loss)
Hips: 37.75" (1.75" loss)
Bust: 33" (1" loss)

Everything is going in the right direction! I am especially pleased with my butt. It is moving northward, and getting more shapely.  

8 more weeks to go!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Quick Healthy Recipe

Kingslayer's Bacon Bottom Fritatta

Nutritional info:
305 Calories, 5 Carbs, 18g Fat, 25g protein, 400mg Sodium, 2g Sugar
Sodium is high and can be cut if you reduce the # of low sodium turkey bacon to 1 slice
Serves 1


  • 2 Egg Whites
  • 1 Whole Egg
  • 2 slices Turkey Bacon
  • 2 Tbsp Salsa
  • 1/4 C Feta Cheese Crumbles
  • Cooking Spray
  • Cast Iron or Oven proof skillet
  • Italian Seasoning 


Cut the raw bacon into tiny pieces , they do not have to be uniform. Imagine you are making bacon bits.  Spray the skillet with cooking spray and heat to medium high heat.  Once pan is hot, add the bacon and cook until pieces are near crisp.

Scoop salsa into skillet and distribute across the bacon.

Scramble the Egg Whites and the Whole egg together and pour over the bacon and salsa.  Cook until almost set.  While you are waiting for the eggs to set, Preheat your BROILER to HIGH.

Sprinkle with the Feta Cheese, and top it off with the Italian Seasoning (to desired taste).

Place the entire skillet in the preheated oven, on the middle oven rack.  Broil for approximately 5 minutes or until the eggs look fluffy and are golden brown.
Remove the skillet from the oven , and flip it over onto a plate. Your Bacon Bottom is now on top!  Enjoy!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Turbo Fire Day One

So today, I was blessed by my hubby who bought me the COMPLETE Turbo Fire series from Team Beachbody.  This man deserves some major love!  I've been wanting that program, and when it went on sale last week for Black Friday, I almost peed myself.  Of course I wasn't sure if he would go for that one or Tai Cheng.  He opted for the awesomeness of Turbo Fire.
As a Side note, I'm looking to get certified in Turbo Kick in January, so I have to practice these moves, and learn them well.  So, today marks Day One in my Turbo Fire Journey.

The 5 day inferno plan will have to wait until Monday. My week of groceries is still intact from last weekend, and I'm eating on plan.  I am also hosting a sleepover for 5 year olds so, heavens knows what food that will entail.

  Today's pics make me a little sad... but this is part of the process. This is the reality check. When you have to stand in front of a camera and have your picture taken with barely anything on.

Weight 154
Biceps: 11"
Waist: 29"
hips: 39.5"
upper thigh:: 24"
Chest: 34"
Do you have any questions about Turbo Fire?  Are you doing it?  What is challenging for you?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Stepping or Running outside of my Comfort Zone

You know those times when you feel so stagnant, that you know it is time for a change?  Well, that is me this month.  I've been working hard on my business, but using the wrong approach.  I've been working out and staying fit, but I wanted something more.  So I step outta my comfort zone in both avenues.  I'm going to share with you, my FOCUS T25 journey, as well as my running journey.

In the coming days, I'll let you watch my progress in T25, and every week, I'll talk about my run.  I hope you'll join me on these 2 endeavors.  I've never been a distance runner.  I've only ever been a sprinter, and that worked fine for me.  I figured, if a crazy person is chasing me.. I should be able to outrun them through speed alone.  But distance running is a whole other beast.  Thus, building my endurance and stamina with T25 and running a set distance every week.  I'm training for a 10K.

I cannot believe I am sharing these pics on here, but I want you to be witness to my journey.  And I figure if just one person finds some inspiration or comfort in my posts, then it is worth it!

Day 1 T25 Before pics:

Weigh In: 153 lbs
Bust:  34"
Waist: 28.5"
Hips: 38.5"
Thighs: 23"

Wish Me luck!!

You can also Follow me on Twitter Friend me on Facebook  Watch me on my YouTube Channels, or follow My Fitness Page

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Are you Happy In Your Job? Who Is?

If you asked any stranger on the street if they enjoy the work they do, the answer is most likely going to be a resounding HELL NO!  GO ahead, do a Google search on "I hate my job", and see how many returns you get.  Songs, blogs, images... they all come back proving that most of us hate what we do.  So why do we stay there?

We stay in our life sucking jobs for three reasons.  More may be in your head, but these are the three that ring true in everyone who says they hate their job.

1.  It is easier to stay than to leave and seek new employment
2.  Fear of losing something affiliated with the current job (ie: security, 401k, familiarity)
3.  Feeling inferior to the majority of the workforce, and therefore afraid to apply for the job you truly want.

There are a billion reasons why a person should not quit their job and apply for new work.  The economy, the unemployment rate, taxes, job security and the list goes on and on.  And imagine what life was like 10 years ago (hello 9/11).  People were afraid of change then as well... how about 20 years ago (The Gulf War)?  We will constantly try to find reasons to stay away from change.

For the select few who believe that there is something better out there for them, and they make the leap of faith... you will be met with many nay-sayers.  You will hear from people that you should not even bother applying for this job or that job because ______________(insert lame excuse here).  If you hate your job, you are wasting your life there.  You are wasting your energy on something that means nothing to you.  At the end of your life you will look back and see that you spent more time working in a place you dreaded, than living a life that could have been more fulfilling.

You will hear some people say that you need to be happy with what you have.  WHY?  If you have the ability to be better, then why not try?  You will have those who are so afraid of change in their own life that they will attempt to hold you back. Do NOT let them!

I want to know... in the comments below. Tell me about any friction you've met with when attempting a large life change?

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Power of Positive Thinking: A trip thru Summit

Coach Summit 2013... The Place to DREAM BIG in June, and I was there.

     All of 2012 I was hearing about this thing called Summit, and how important it was for all Beachbody Coaches to attend.  "What the hell is Summit?", you ask. And I reply,

The most inspirational, motivational, amazingly AWESOME time of my life!  For starters, it was in Las Vegas at the MGM. There were 7000 other coaches just like me in one place. We were all networking, talking, comparing ideas, and notes, learning, and encouraging one another in this difficult business of motivating people to get fit and healthy.  Rubbing elbows with the CEO and other executives of the same company that brings INSANITY, P90X and Shakeology to the homes of MILLIONS of people.  Meeting celebrity trainers, dancing all night, and making friendships that will last a lifetime.  
Left: Me, Right: Carl Daikeler CEO of Beachbody
Left: Turbo Girl Alee , Right: me

There are times when the weight of the No's and the sting of the insults from skeptics and cynics take their toll.  And in those moments you really need to be able to pull some happiness and "Go GET EM" strength from your bag of tricks.  And this was the place that helped me recharge those batteries!

You know that feeling in a concert hall or stadium when your favorite band steps out onto the stage, and they play those first few notes of your FAVORITE song, and the entire place erupts into a mass of white noise screaming chaos?  That charge?  That amazing uplift of adrenaline and pure happiness?  THAT is what Summit is to a Beachbody Coach.

It is near impossible to explain the feeling of solidarity, and the sense that anything is possible.  Unless you were there you cannot understand it completely.  So, GET THERE!  Next year 2014, MGM Coach Summit!

Upon return from Summit, I hit Success Club 5 in 1 week.  You learn a lot, you understand where you need to be focusing your time, and you truly believe you can achieve anything... because YOU CAN!  It invades your mind, overwhelming it with potential, and positive thinking, and you truly understand what it means to DREAM BIG.

Over the course of the next few weeks, I'm going to blog about the various events from Summit that helped me realize exactly where I want to be by next year, and how to get there... and all the fun that went along with it.  If you have ever considered doing something that can change the course of some one's life, or to leave you mark on this world in a positive light... then you need to check out coaching.  If you want to know more, or get involved or Join my Team... contact me ASAP: 
Comment below, or

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mom of Multiples. My take on "Me Time"

If you are a mom who goes out to the office for 40 plus hours like me, you might have had those moments at your desk when you imagine what it would be like to stay at home with your kids.  I have those moments too.  I think fondly of my children whilst they are happily learning and playing at the learning center they attend, and I long to see them.  I have fantastical thoughts about how awesomely sweet they are and that their typical rambunctious behavior is not THAT bad...

Then I pick them up.

So, now after a long day of customer service calls (AKA Ass Reaming, without dinner first), I get to be yelled at, slapped, called a big meany, and attitude face ... and all for what? I said NO to them when they asked, "Can we go to Wendy's for dinner??" 

Now, we are not big fast food eaters simply because I just can't stand eating that garbage, and it is a waste of money. It's okay from time to time when you are too busy, but not every night (which is what they ask for every time I pick them up).  So you can see, I am always the bad guy when I come to pick them up, after a day of missing them, and longing to hug them.

My twin 4 year old daughters are AWESOME, do not get me wrong, but they are like little teenagers.  Phoebe is moody like a little Emo Edith Allen Poe, and Faith is Suzy Sunshine on Speed.  

I know some people might say, "You work all week, and you still take me time , what about your kids??" And I say yes I do.  My kids do not suffer when I take the hours they are sleeping and do what I want to do or do what I need to do, or do nothing at all.  I actually have my me time between 9 and midnight every night, and between 5 Am and 6 AM every morning.  What I choose to do is up to me, but I take it every single day.

How many of you chastise yourself for wanting a break from the chaos of toddlers?  Why?  Stop worrying about what society has to say, and maintain your sanity.  In the end... we're all HUMAN, and all we can do is our best, and if you need 30 minutes to soak in the tub without "guests", then darn it, you take it!  Just try to schedule it wisely.  Instead of fighting the losing battle of me time when the kids are awake, take some extra time after they go to bed or before they wake up!  

Twins, Triplets and on are a handful and a half (three times over).  So you need to snag that time when you can and make it count!  You are not a bad person for wanting to remove stress or just be YOU for 5 minutes.  5 minutes of you. Not mom, not wife, not employee, not chef, not chauffeur, just YOU.  No one needing you for something... 

You have a friend in me!

What do you do in your ME TIME?  Comment below!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Making Time for What REALLY Matters to you

You know that magical $20 you can find when there is a DVD you REALLY want?  But 5 minutes before you found out it was on sale, you thought, MAN! I am BROKE!"  How about your busy day, and how you cannot possibly fit anything in, but you find time to watch CSI, or Dexter ( I love Dexter btw)?

Truth is, we're all guilty of wasting time and money on things that do not better our situation, or our lives.  We don't want to spend money or time on things like nutrition or exercise because we want our comforts, like dinner out, movie tickets, concerts, premium movie channels, the next iPhone etc...  In all honesty, life becomes that much more FUN and fulfilling when we take care of our bodies and minds instead of filling up that time with senseless things.  

Now, I may have lost a lot of you because you think I'm anti TV, anti Fun, anti dinner dates.. and that could not be further from the truth.  What I am, is someone who understands balance... and I understand it well.  I sacrificed some things that did not coincide with my goals.  I wanted to get fit. I wanted to be healthy.  I wanted to set a good example for my family.  I wanted to help others. I wanted to get a second income to offset the cost of daycare.  So, I took time to write down all the things I was doing in a day, and how I could rearrange my schedule to accomplish things that brought me closer to those goals.

I was a gamer.  Gaming has you sitting for hours in front of a computer, eating junk, and drinking junk.  Yes, the friendships are awesome, and I love my guildmates, but it did not flow with what I was trying to accomplish.  So, I axed gaming.

I would spend too much time watching television in the evening, when I could be spending time with my kids. So, I cut back on the tv.  We do homework together now during the week, and we play outside all day during the weekends (weather permitting).

There are a lot of other things I changed, and even some more recently, to ensure i was able to add Personal Development to my day. 

Grocery Shopping WHILE listening to Personal Development on my iPod

We MAKE TIME FOR WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO US.  Do not tell me you are too busy to workout for 30 minutes a day.  Because, I guarantee you could get up earlier, stay up later, or replace that tv show with some exercise.  This applies to money as well.  You could spend extra money on things like personal development, and instructional cds... you could buy and STICK TO a fitness program.  You could spend more time planning meals and eating more healthfully.  You could cook your meals instead of eating processed and pre-packaged junk.  

Harsh? Maybe... but it is TRUE!  We make time for things for which be assign value.  So, what is important to you?  Write it down.  What current activities do you do to keep you from accomplishing a goal pertaining to what you've deemed important?  Eliminate them or limit them.  You CAN do anything you set your mind to if you are willing to accept change, and do what needs to be done to reach those goals.  

Last, ask yourself this question... Am I where I want to be?  

Day 2 of the Cleanse

I am SO HUNGRY!  lol.  I'm not really "hungry" I'm just craving foods.  I want something like Bread, or crackers.  And THAT is not on the plan for the day!  Drinking my 2 liters of water.  I filled a 2 Liter Pitcher with water to make sure I knew exactly how much I had left to drink.  I am usually awesome about water in take, but not necessarily during the weekends, unless we're working outside.  The hurricane is putting a damper on outdoor activities though!

I'm swapping rest days because I am worried about doing 60 minutes of cardio while on this cleanse.  I do not have enough energy to do the workout, and I don't want to push myself and end up passing out.  

It is days like this that I wonder what it must be like to be anorexic, and never eat.  It must be painful!  I love food too much to stop eating all together.  I can't fathom doing this 1000 calorie cleanse for more than 2 days. I really can't! lol.  It is really hard!  

I'm not doing this to sell anyone on doing this cleanse.  This is just my helpful way of explaining the cleanse, and how it can affect some people.  


End of Day 2, and I am so glad it is over!  :) I cannot wait to have my coffee tomorrow morning... and eat solid food.  Thank goodness!  I feel wonderful, and not bloated which is awesome! 

Day 2

Day 1
Day 2

Day 2

Friday, June 7, 2013

End of Day One Body Cleanse _Shakeology Cleanse

Day One is over, and I am SOOOO Hungry! lol.  When you are used to eating 1500-1800 cal a day, dropping to 1000 calories is ROUGH!  I am enjoying the feeling of actual hunger though. I know, "WTH?" right?  In all actuality, many of us have no idea how it feels to be hungry.

We eat because we condition ourselves to eat a specific times.  We eat out of habit, and we eat whenever we please.  Because we have a non-stop supply of food, people rarely know when they are truly hungry, versus when they are just craving food.  Also, we don't listen to our brains queues when it says , "YOU ARE FULL!! STOP EATING!"  We push it and then we regret it.

Think about it.  You're at a family cookout. All of the awesome potato salads, macaroni salads, veggie platters, fruit, BBQ chicken, Hot dogs, Hamburgers, pickles, chips etc... is out on the table and you start loading up your plate right?  You think, "I will hurt Aunt Mable's feelings if I don't try her buttered rolls" or "Uncle Jerry will be mad if I don't eat his ribs"  .  We talk ourselves into overindulging and we justify it by saying we are being good company.

What does all of this have to do with my cleanse?  EVERYTHING.  I wanted to give my body a break.  Yes, i eat very healthfully... and I eat 5 times per day because otherwise I will binge eat at regular meal times.  I had forgotten what it felt like to be empty at the end of the day, and that was an important reminder.  I need to remember this feeling, so that every time I go to bed, I feel this way.  When your body doesn't need to worry about digesting food while you sleep, it burns calories and fat.  Otherwise, the focus is on breaking down and absorbing nutrients, and storing them.  I don't know about you, but I would prefer to be hungry while I sleep than while I am awake!

Start of Day One Before pics. Me and the hubby:

Pros of this cleanse so far:

I feel clean on the inside, and I know I only ingested Nutrient DENSE low calorie, low sugar, low fat foods. I drank only water, and fresh brewed NON Sweetened green tea.  Nothing processed went into my body today.  And I got to have chocolate twice!  Chocolate Shakeology tastes naughty, but it is GREAT for you!  I'm not bloated at all.  I know I will sleep better tonight.

Caffeine withdrawal.  I'm used to at least 3 cups of coffee per day, so this was harsh.  Getting through my workout was tough because of the low energy from lack of calories to burn!  Yes, that happens.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Busting out of Weightloss Plateaus!

There are a bazillion ideas out there to detox, and cleanse your body. Stuff to "reset" it if you will.  I plan on trying the Ultimate Reset sometime soon, but for right now, I am happily exercising.  During something like the Ultimate Reset, you are running on low for about 3 weeks... so NO EXERCISE!  I might just start to cry seeing those words.  Yeah, I know, I sound like a psycho fitness nut job, but I really have flipped a switch in my head to the point that not working out makes me cranky!  Anyhoo.... onto what I plan to do Tomorrow and Saturday...


I am doing a 2 day cleanse.  My husband has decided to join me.  I'll be begging him to let me take a Before pic tomorrow morning, and I will willingly allow my own to be taken.

2 Days?  That's it?, you ask... Yes.  There is a 3 day cleanse out there, but this is a SHORTENED version, because I don't want to do 3 days.  This cleanse is for people who still want to work out.  Here is where I throw in a disclaimer:

DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU ARE DOING INSANITY OR P90X! Those programs are too hard on the body and require proper calorie consumption.  

The Shakeology cleanse has you functioning on about 1000 calories per day, which is why it only lasts NO LONGER than 3 days.  I'm scared to death of the caffiene withdrawal.  But alas, I need to bust through this plateau and get my metabolism motor running.  So, I'm sharing the 2 days of hell with you fine folks.

I love my food. I love to eat, and I REALLY love to try new foods, so this is a big deal for me.  I have a good outlook on it, I'm just nervous.  So here is how it works:

"The goal of the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse is to optimize your performance. You want to eat enough to fuel your day AND your workout. The foods you're eating are so high in fiber and nutrients that it's virtually impossible to overeat. You'll be consuming so much fiber, along with enzymes and digestive aids, that your body's ability to flush excess foods quickly will be at its peak"
Day One:

Wake up with some fresh brewed Green Tea
1 Scoop Shakeology
8-10 Oz water
Ice to taste

Snack: 1 Piece of Fruit (apples are great here)

 1 Scoop Shakeology
8-10 Oz water
Ice to taste

1 cup Green Tea

Before OR after Dinner Shake
1 Scoop Shakeology
8-10 Oz water
Ice to taste

3 Servings of Greens (this is your Salad.. spinach or Romaine are best, no Iceburg)
4 oz White Protein (Poultry or Fish)
No artificial dressings. So oil and vinegar but you go light on this!

You can add veggies and legumes to the salad to make sure you feel full, but no cheese, no bread etc..

So as I sit here this evening typing this, I'm enjoying my last glass of red wine till Sunday!  Wish us luck!

End results of the slimming formula 30 day challenge...

I'm gonna come out and be totally honest...

I took it every day.  I exercised, and I ate right. With the exception of 1 weekend where I overate one night, I stayed on track.  I didn't lose an amazing amount of weight, but I also did not expect to.  So where do I stand on the slimming formula and ActiVit?

My weight and measurements are the same.  I have MORE energy, and neon yellow pee :)  The BEST of the two supplements was the ActiVit, hands down. It gave me noticeable boost without the jitters, and I honestly felt healthier overall while on it.

I still suggest that you try it for yourself. Because results vary WIDELY. Just like with exercise programs, some people burn 400 cal in an hour, some burn 200.  It's different for everyone.

Short post I know, but I have a Cleanse blog to write next!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Foods to Boost Your Metabolism

We've all done the search for the magic diet pill that will make us thin without crazy side effects.  Well, I'll let you know if I ever find that allusive SOB!  ;)  But seriously, there are some natural ways to help boost your fat burning if you already workout!

Did you know...  

That adding something as simple as Cayenne Pepper to one of your meals could help boost your fat burning?  Don't believe me? Check this out... Capsaicin is the active compound in Cayenne pepper.  It has been linked to helping reduce abdominal fat, decrease hunger, and thereby reduces your caloric intake.  Not a magic pill but it is an easy addition to your eat-clean meal plan right?

 Here's a quick and fun recipe for a sweet and spicy breakfast:

Cayenne Chocolate Oatmeal
1/2 Scoop of Chocolate Shakeology or Close Equivalent Protein powder
2/3 cup Quick Oats
1 cup HOT water
1 tsp Cayenne Pepper

Mix, eat, enjoy.  You might need a little extra water to help ease the spice, but the combination is AWESOME!
Grapefruit can boost your metabolism as well.  Thiamine is one of the major contributors to metabolizing glucose in the body.  Glucose aka sugar is a MAJOR contributor to obesity.  No, fat is not the true enemy of the people, it is excess sugar!!  So, why not add some grapefruit to your daily healthy eating?  We cannot avoid sugar, nor should we try to avoid it all together.  Our body needs a specific level of sugar to operate properly.  Anyone with low-blood sugar can attest to that.  But, in case you overdo it, eat some fresh grapefruit to counter it.

Fresh or Juice? 

Fresh versus juice.  Sure grapefruit juice is a great source of Thiamine as well, but if it isn't freshly squeezed from the fruit, it has added sugars that you do not need or want!  Go for the fruit every time!  Natural is usually always the best choice!

And now a word from your Coach...
No matter what, eating clean and healthy is an every day lifestyle, not a fad diet. Stay away from diets, they make you fat!  Make a conscious effort and decision to be healthy every day, and you will make the right choices when it comes to eating!  For more tips, giggles, and fun, follow me on Twitter, and Facebook!


Sunday, May 5, 2013

This Past Week... Weightloss with Supplements and more

So, my intentions to do this is blocks fell by the wayside for a few reasons.  I don't care to get into detail on one of those fronts, but I will say that I have been spending more of my time focusing on my challengers for my MAY DAY MAY DAY challenge that started on the 1st.

I have been sticking to the regimen of ActiVit and Slimming formula every day.  I have not missed a single dose, and I have been exercising daily as well.  My eating has not been on par this past week.  And there is no excuse for that.  So, we'll see if that was kept in check with my slimming formula or if I will suffer the consequences of poor choices.  I don't mean that I ate crap for every meal for a week, I just mean that there were a couple of days when I over did it at one meal.  I've been really trying to throw a ton of vegetables down my gullet if I feel hungry after I ate my meal.  So far, that works well.  Especially when it is something like Broccoli.

I'm very impressed with the energy I get from the ActiVit. That has not changed at all. I am still getting a great boost and when I need it most (midday).

Getting ready to go to Vegas in about 1 month 2 weeks, so I am hell bent on getting shredded before then.

My thoughts, as I enter the last week of this challenge are this:

The Slimming Formula seems to be a great way to help save you from yourself when you make mistakes in your nutrition. It may work better for someone with an already high metabolism.  I have experienced rapid shrinking in inches which is nice, but the pounds lost are nothing to drop your jaw.  Because I don't have a lot of extra weight hanging around... this part doesn't surprise me.

The ActiVit is a great multivitamin to add to your daily regimen if you are not already taking something.  I enjoy the energy boost. My nails and hair are growing faster and stronger, and I attribute that to the vitamins and minerals in the supplement.

If you want to join me on my journey to get shredded before JULY, then join me June 7th for my 30 day challenge!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Days 12-15 : Weightloss with Supplements

I wanted to switch over to blocks of days, because I felt like daily posts were too monotonous, and "Ain't nobody got time for that!"

But seriously, everyone that follows this blog deserves some comprehensive info, so I'll be posting every 3 days instead of every single day.  

I have discovered that the ActiVit is the supplement giving me my huge energy boosts, and so I think I may start taking them midday.  I thought it was a combination of the two, but it isn't.  I would typically take my morning doses of Slimming Formula and ActiVit within a few minutes of each other.  So, there was really no way to tell which of the supplements was giving me that added energy.  Well, on day 14 I missed taking my ActiVit in the morning, and took it with my mid-morning snack.  I was bouncing off the walls!  I could not sit still.  That was the weirdest thing.  So I've taken that info, and have decided to take it right before my afternoon workout.  

Remember when I said that it was giving me some issues in the regularity department?  All is well there.  My body apparently just needed to get used to the new stuff coming in.  

My hair and nails are growing like a billion times faster than usual, and my skin still looks lovely.  So, that's more pluses in my book!

I have not weighed in yet for this week, but I shall do that today and post it on 4/28.

I've begun a hybrid workout routine of Combat and Pump.  I finished Hip Hop Abs on Sunday.  I'll probably be throwing in some of the "last minute" workouts from that program to boost my current workouts.  They may be only 5 minutes... but they are an INSANE 5 minutes!

I want to remind everyone that if you have been struggling with your weight, and you want to finally do something about it.  My 30 day fitness challenge starts next week.  Email me at and let's figure out what you want to accomplish, and how we're going to get you there!

Here's to Your Fit Future!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Days 10 and 11: Weightloss with Supplements

ARGH! The dreaded weekend munchies!  I am just like any other person.  Set me up with a little down time and I want to stuff my face!  Luckily I have been able to stop that from happening to the detriment of any results I have gotten from the last week.

It is official, the supplements have helped keep my skin clear and my water weight from being a major problem during "lady's time".

So I spent all of Saturday out in the backyard cleaning debris, hedge trimming, weed pulling, and creating a sunflower house.  Well, I dug the 12' circle, and planted the seeds.  So, mid summer the girls should have a pretty damn cool sunflower house.  My energy is still high, but I did crash on Friday night.  Again, this was the fault of my hormones.

I have one beef with the supplements to date, and that is the size of the pills.  I don't like big pills.  These are not by any means the largest pills I have ever taken, but they are big enough.  Basically I can't take them 2 at a time without fear of choking.

Other than that, no issues.  I have still not noticed any major increase in calories burned, BUT fat burned during my workouts is pretty impressive, and the reduction in my measurements in one week speak for themselves.

I took Saturday as my rest day (but the yard work was intense), and I worked out hard today (Sunday).  Feeling good going into the new work week.

Don't forget, if you are interested in joining in my MAYDAY MAYDAY, Tell your inner voice to STFU challenge, sign up by this Wednesday!!
Comment below
Twitter: @LisaKingslayer

See you on the Fit Side!!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Days 8 and 9: Weightloss with Supplements

My official weigh in and measurements for the end of the 1st week were as follows:

Starting weight: 152
Chest:  32.5 (no change)
Waist: 28.5 (.5" loss)
Hips: 36.5 (1.5" loss)
Thighs: 22.75 (.25" loss)
Calf: 14.75 (no change)

Since my hips and thighs are my weakest points of weight loss, I am very happy to see these areas shrinking. 1.5" loss in one week is pretty damn amazing to me.  especially on my biggest trouble area.  It took my 30 days to get that last month!  So pretty damn awesome result there!  Let's see if I can keep that momentum going!

Considering what today ushered in for me, I am surprised to see no weight gain. Guys, avert your eyes or move on to the next paragraph!  Ladies, listen closely... I am NOT BLOATED for the first time in my menstrual career!  I think I am going to coin that little phrase, "menstrual career".  :)  I am tired, but that is normal for me during this time of the month.

OK GUYS, you can start reading here.  Missed my workout for the day because of extra work and poor time management.  So I am really disappointed in that.  However, tomorrow (Friday) when this is posted, I'll be tripling up my workout.  Friday usually contains a double workout anyway, so I'll be adding an extra 30 minutes of weight training on top of the hour of cardio.

My eating has been spot on, and my water intake between 80-160 ounces per day.

ActiVit made me ill again yesterday because I took it on an empty stomach, like a dumbass.  I think I even warned all of you against doing that.  UGH!  So, lesson learned (for now) :)

Stay tuned tonight for Day 10's recap.  I'll let you know if i can move after my workouts! lol

Today marks the LAST DAY to get the free ActiVit trial.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Day 7: Weightloss with Supplements

So today I did a workout that last week only burned 229 calories.  I burned 249 today.  I am not an expert in the world of metabolism, so I cannot say whether these 2 supplements caused this increase in calories burned, but I feel it is noteworthy.

My weigh in today was 152 lbs, which puts me solidly in the weight lost category for the week.  Other perks, include my skin remaining clear during the week before my period.  I know, the guys reading this are probably gagging…  SORRY!  But I had to put that in here for the ladies.  I usually have a massive breakout, and that has not happened yet. 

I will also note that the increase in iron in my diet has had an effect on my bowels as well.  I am hoping that everything regulates fairly quickly.  I was not expecting any issues, having been on Shakeology for so long, and having regular bowel habits.  It is possible that the immediate clash of the new supplements threw off my chemistry in the intestines.  So, I now expect some sort of adjustment period. 

So we have some good things to report today, and some bad J 
·         Weight loss
·         Clear Skin
·         Potentially increased metabolic rate
·         Constipation

I’m looking forward to the official weigh in and measurements tomorrow.
Calorie intake: 1672
Calories burned in exercise: 249
134 oz of water consumed
Body fat % 24.8

Chasity checked in and has been back on track for 2 days now.  She lost the weight she put on (1.4 lbs).  She is back to 140 lbs.  Big congrats to Chasity for getting back into her routine.

See you tomorrow!

Oh, and a Hip Hop Abs video starring Yours Truly ;), will be posted on my Fit Future Fan page and my YouTube channel tomorrow. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Day 6 : Weightloss with Supplements

Hi everyone! just 2 days from the weekly pics update.  And run down of measurements.  Today was so busy that I didn't get to workout at work like I usually do.  I had to wait till I got home.  BUMMER.  Didn't eat dinner until 7:20 PM. That is really late for me.  I am proud to say that in 1 hour I burned 360 calories.  That is AWESOME!  I did Total body burn and Combat 30 Live.

My hunger seems to easier to control.  I started noticing that over the weekend.  I felt that saying no to the late night snack was much easier than usual.  Tonight is no exception.

So, still rocking the energy, my skin looks awesome, my cravings are covered, and I'm confident in my weigh-in and measurements, of which I will post on Wednesday.

Chasity checked in and said her bad food choices and lack of exercise caught up with her by means of a 1lb of gained weight.  I will still say this... She ate some bad stuff, and if gaining a lb was all that happened, something is working supplement-wise.

Today I made a video parody to a crazy 80's facelift video.  Here is the link to my video  If you watch it at youtube you can click the link to the original.  Funny stuff.

Whew!  I am getting tired.  Time for beddy by soon!
G'night folks!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 5: Weightloss with Supplements

As I head into the last week of Hip Hop Abs, I am super happy about the results I have achieved.  And I have to say, that the amazing energy boost I have gotten from these two supplements has been immensely helpful.  I work late nights because I can't do my computer work for Coaching until the kids are sleeping.  So, 6 out of 7 nights you can find me burning the midnight oil at my dining room table returning emails, writing my blog, lining up my facebook posts and twitter posts, writing down my results from workouts and checking in with the people I sponsor on Beachbody.

I need the extra energy without the caffeine and extra calories of the coffee I would be drinking.  I had a mini Twitter conversation today with Zac Morris (@ZacWolf) about the health benefits of coffee versus the chemical dependency/extra calories.  I understand the benefits of coffee, and that is why I'll never give up at least 1 cup per day, but I typically would drink 5-7 cups per day.  I have gone from that to 1 every since I started these supplements.  It's amazing.  Zac was really great at explaining where he was coming from, and I appreciate the input!  Thank you Zac!

I pose this question to all of you reading this... do you drink your coffee black? with creamers? Flavors? Sugar?  and how many cups per day?

The weigh in will happen tomorrow when I get to work.  And we'll see if I lost anything. Calorie consumption today was approximately 1550.  Drank 86.3 oz water.  

Chasity has not lost any weight, but she did start back up on her exercise, and I am happy to report that she is feeling "healthy" :)

Going into day 6 with a positive outlook!!
Thank you again for following this journey!  I hope it can help you or inspire in some way!

May 1st, I start my next challenge group with Chasity. I'm offering a $25 rebate to any challenger who purchases a Challenge Pack.  Comment below, or shoot me an email directly if you want more information!

Here's to a Fit Future!!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day 4 : Weightloss with Supplements

Today was SUPER!  As in SUPER SATURDAY for us Beachbody folks!  That is the day when we all get together, talk about the awesome things that are coming up in the next few weeks, and then get our sweat on!  We did T25 today, and it rocked!!!  I totally did 1 handed burpees!  Don't know what a burpee is? Check out the pic right here:
Yep, did that one-handed and multiple times. My core strength has definitely improved since starting Hip Hop Abs!  I'm on week 3, and kicking butt.  

So, today I ate right, consumed about 1500 calories, drank 150 oz water, Did the T25 workout (burned 139 calories in 25 minutes), and took my Supplements.

I had 1 cup of coffee in the morning, and didn't need another cup all day! That is impressive. Energy is a definite PLUS to these supplements, and I am loving it!

I don't have my scale at home to weigh in (it's at work) but I will be weighing in Monday for my end of week 3 results for HHA.  SO we'll see if I am on track to my goal of 145 lbs.  

Chasity checked in with me, and she jokingly says, she is the bad cop, and I am the good cop.  She's been slacking in the workouts/eating department but she is maintaining her weight at 140.  So While I have told her that she needs to get back on track (and she knows that. LOVE YOU CHASITY!) she is showing me that the supplements can help you from gaining weight in the event that you are not working out or eating right.  

So, with that, I bid you all a good night (or good morning.. it's 12:14 AM here).

Don't forget to check out the limited time free trial offer of ActiVit. Click on Shop>nutrition&Supplements.

OH, and a BIG Thank you to Liz Dickson for pointing out that the B vitamins are the neon pee culprits!  Cheers!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Day 3: Weightloss with Supplements

Good evening!  Here I sit, water glass filled to the brim with ice water, pecking away at the keys, trying to beat the clock.  Tomorrow is SUPER SATURDAY for Beachbody, and I am in need of a good night's sleep.  We're previewing a workout called T25, Shaun T's newest workout program that has not yet been released (Coming June 2013).  Every workout is 25 minutes.  It's the ultimate time saver workout... and I CAN'T WAIT to try it!

Anyhoo, I digress.  Today I burned 239 calories in under an hour which is 10 more than yesterday.  Right now, I am on track to lose another 2 lbs this week.  So, no major change from last week, but hey, there are a few more days left in this first week of my case study.

Ah, flex Friday.

It was a stressful day, but for those 49 minutes I worked out, everything was smooth sailing.  I did not experience any fatigue, but I was rather bouncy (in a good way), like my energy was up.  And I say this because I also drank about 1/3 of the amount of coffee I typically drink in a day.  yep, more energy, without the caffeine.  I'm chalking up a point to ActiVit for that one.  I have also felt more full at the end of each meal.  Neon pee is still apparent, but not as bright.  I'm thinking there was a bit of a system's flush on that first day.

In summary: More calories burned, appetite control, high energy, and neon pee :)

Chasity's Day 3
I received an email from Chasity detailing something that happened in her personal life on Day 2 that led to some unavoidable food choices, as well as a missed workout. So, you'd think she would have gained weight right? Nope... she dropped 6 oz.

In general, I would say there have been no negative effects from either supplement.

Weekly pics will be posted.  So look for an update pic on Wednesday .Catch ya'll tomorrow!


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 2- Weightloss with Supplements Challenge

So, today marks day 2 of my case study of ActiVit and Slimming Formula from Beachbody. 
My caloric intake was 1692 calories.  I burned 228 calories with Hip Hop abs and Brazil Butt Lift today.  

Overall, I can say that there are no immediate noticeable differences aside from NEON YELLOW pee.  Sorry if that is TMI, but hey, I promised full-disclosure.  Chasity has confirmed those results as being related to one or both of these supplements because she too has experienced it. 

I have no decreased energy, in fact I feel great.  I pay close attention to my energy level because I feel that medications can sometimes cause problems in that area.

I hope to see some increased slimming results by next week, but I am not expecting a huge change, that would be crazy and stupid to expect.

Nausea is not an issue as long as I eat a couple of bites before I take the ActiVit. And there is no nausea or side effects from the Slimming Formula.
Remember that today marks the special on ActiVit (free 30 day trial).  I believe it only lasts until the

Chasity is on day 2 as well.
She gave me her weigh in today which is 140.9, she missed her workout for the day as well.  I won't hold it against ya Chas! ;)

Tomorrow I hope to see an increase in calories burned, or something measurable.
Thank you so much for following along with this journey!  Please comment below with any questions you may have!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

DAY 1 Weight Loss with Supplements

Today starts the 30 day challenge to Beachbody's Slimming Pack.  If you didn't read my previous blog, I'll just give you a quick run down.  The slimming pack includes ActiVit vitamins, and Slimming Formula.  These are daily supplements.

Starting weight: 154
Starting Measurements:
Chest:  32.5
Waist: 29
Thighs: 23
Calf: 14.75

My Befores:

My typical day is one sitting at a desk for 8 hours.  I take a lunch break to workout which lasts 1 hour.  Today's workout is Hip Hop Abs .  I drink water regularly, and I eat a healthy meal plan and drink Shakeology every day.  So, by way of control, you know that I am not making any major changes to my routine outside of implementing the 2 supplements.

The instructions on the Slimming Formula are to take them before a meal, so I did that about 30 minutes before breakfast.  The instructions on the ActiVit are to take with a meal, so I took them with my Breakfast.
NOTE: I took the ActiVit right before I cooked my oatmeal, and I got nauseous.  This is normal for me any time I take vitamins on an empty stomach, so I advise making sure you have your food ready when you take this.  I was able to kill the nausea within 2 bites of my oatmeal.

***By the way, Beachbody is running a free trial on ActiVit for a limited time. Starting tonight APRIL 10th @ 11:59 PM Pacific time, 30 day supply of ActVit will be available for free (just $4.95 shipping) so you can do your own trial! Just go to and click shop>nutrition and supplements>ActiVit***

Both supplements are to be taken 3 times per day. This is easy to remember because it follows a typical eating schedule.

So far, I feel great, normal actually.  No real change from my usual sense of being.

Also of note is the taste of ActiVit is a little strange, but since it is only in my mouth for about 5 seconds, I don't care.  No weird aftertaste, and no reflux or burping with vitamin breath :) hehehe.  Will update this blof later with any enhancements to my workout.

My friend Chasity is also joining me in this case study :)  She is also of the active lifestyle, drinks Shakeology daily, and follows a healthy eating plan.  I will be posting her dailies here as well :)  Check her out on facebook at

Chasity's Befores: