Wednesday, July 23, 2014

3 Tips for Moms of Twins Shopping for Kindergarten

Chances are that you think you are ready for Kindergarten. You've been thinking about getting your twins prepared academically and maybe even emotionally.. but you haven't received the dreaded SUPPLIES LIST!!

Okay, first thing, when you see it, do NOT panic!  Well, panic a little because we know all of this crap on the list is for ONE child, and we have 2!  Nothing like knowing you are about to drop half of your paycheck at the local Target or Walmart :)  So I am here to take a little load off of you and make you laugh too.

Tip #1: Look online at which store not only carries everything your children's new pretentious teacher has listed, but also has the best price for said items.  This is going to save you time and money, and headache. No one wants to be strolling around a store searching in vain for the "Primary Composition Journal" whilst the twins begin to smack one another inside the fabulous double seated red cart.  Especially when that fighting then knocks over the over priced but oh-so-delicious Skinny Hazlenut-accino you JUST ordered.
And what the hell is a Super Slider? And they seriously need 2 bottles of glue PLUS a 3 pack of jumbo glue sticks??? Really? I'm not droppin store names but <cough> Target<cough>.. did not have many of the things I needed on this god-forsaken list.... go get another awesome coffee.

Tip #2:
Try not to curse and say terrible things about the teacher who set forth the list as you scour the pencil section for those stupid fat pencils that your children haven't used in a year because you have been training them with normal sized pencils owing to the fact that they are easier to find AND THEY ARE NORMAL!  The last thing you want are your children walking into school on the first day of Kindergarten saying, "Hello Ms. Smith!  Our mommy says you are pretentious and need to understand that generic is just as good as Elmer's glue, and that if there is some sort of socialist movement happening in the classroom where the supplies she is buying are being shared, she is gonna cut somebody."  Nope, we don't want that.

Tip #3: Provide choices for your kids where you can, and where it is monetarily acceptable.  For instance, Backpacks/Book bags... let them choose one out of a group that you deem acceptable.  They are the ones who have to carry this thing around all year long... so let them have a say in what they are carrying okay?  Choose your battles, and they will be THRILLED that you let them choose this one. Another area to allow choice might be lunch bags, or pencil cases.  I know mine are thrilled with their Monster High and Ever After High bags!

In the end, what really sucks is when you know full well that even though you are paying taxes to support the schools, and your local "Education Lottery" is also funding the schools... you will have to provide things like Copy paper.  And you will wonder, if the teachers' salaries are the lowest in the country, and you are paying your taxes, and there is a lottery whose funds go to the education fund, why on earth are you having to supply them with copy paper (both plain and colored), paper towels, plates, Ziploc bags and on and on?

So I will give you a bonus tip:

BONUS TIP:  Unless you are willing and ready to start a crusade that you will most likely end up losing whilst making your child suffer socially, just let it go... chalk it up to one of life's suck-ass moments, and move on.  Pop a cork off of your favorite red wine, and raise your glass to no more Child Care costs, a chance to get real work done during the day (SAHMs and Working moms), and enjoy the rest of your summer.  Your kids are growing up, and the time with them is precious and short... so even in those moments when you want to tear your damn hair out... and maybe even theirs.. just remember that you love them, they love you, and everything is gonna be just fine.

Cheers! ~Lisa
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