Friday, March 22, 2013

The Top 5 Benefits to Drinking Water

Drinking water is essential to enabling the proper functions within the human body.  All the way down to the cells in our bodies, we require sufficient and constant replacement of fluids (water).  You may have heard some people say it is better to drink hot water, or it is better to drink cold water.  So who is correct?  BOTH arguments are solid.  The truth is, both hot water and cold water have their own list of benefits.

My daughter Faith. She LOVES water be it for drinking or playing in/with.
Top 5 Benefits to Drinking HOT Water

  1. Promote easier Digestion. Warm water may help speed the process of breaking foods down in your stomach much faster than without.  Speedier breakdown gives the digestive system a break.
  2. Remove Toxins from the Blood/Lymph systems.  Have you ever started sweating after drinking hot tea or coffee? Guess what? Drinking liquids that are hotter than 98.6 degrees causes the body temperature to rise. In the body's attempt for homeostasis, it will sweat to maintain the proper temperature. Sweating releases toxins from the blood and lymphatic systems. Tada!
  3. Brings about a sense of relaxation. Warm water can be soothing whether inside the body or outside of the body (bath).  Drinking warm water may stimulate pleasure centers in the brain and/or a general sense of comfort and well-being.
  4. Improves the Stamina of the body.  Regular consumption of warm water helps to cleanse the major body systems of toxins, thus allowing for optimum functionality. 
  5. Medium to introduce teas to the body.  Brewed Teas of specific types can improve the body's ability to fight off infection, and even cancer.
Top 5 Benefits to Drinking Cold Water

  1. You burn more Calories just by drinking ice water than you do by drinking warm. The typical amount of Calories burned simply by drinking 8-8oz glasses of ice water is 70/day. 
  2. More easily ingested and so you are likely to drink more of it, and get your 8-8 oz glasses every day.
  3. It is absorbed into the body faster than warm water because the body wants to warm it up to body temperature.  So it hydrates tissues faster than hot/warm water.
  4. Because cold water tricks the individual into believing it is cooling their body on a hot day, they are more likely to drink more water, and decrease the chance of dehydration.
  5. Cold water in large quantities gives a sense of fullness in the stomach and can help reduce food cravings.  

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