Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Excusitis: Do You Have It?

Recently I've begun re-reading a great personal development book entitled, " The Magic of Thinking Big" by the AMAZING author David J. Schwartz, Ph.D (link at the bottom).  This book completely changed my mindset from a driven, yet cynical 32 year old, to a younger and eager-minded optimist.  Answer this simple question: Do You Have Excusitis?  What is it? How do you know you've been infected by it?

Excusitis has been defined by (2009) as "tendency/Disease/Regular [behavior] of making excuses for every poor performance. In simpler words, giving excuses for everything and trying to back their faults".

So, are you one of those people who looks at a successful and positive person as lucky?  Do you think they fell into success or that they worked hard?  Do you compare yourself to others who are in higher ranking jobs and think that you just didn't catch a break like they did, and if you had only <insert excuse here> then you would be on their level? Do you find yourself saying things like, "I don't have the knowledge", "I didn't go to college", "I am too inexperienced", "I'm too busy", "I'm too old" etc.... ?  If you use the "I'm too", or "I don't" phrase a LOT, then chances are, you've been infected.

Reality struck me hard in the gut when I read just 2 chapters of this book.  I realized that the only reason my family was struggling with money, and the reason we were all going 100 mph every day was me.  MY inactivity, my laziness to try, my pessimistic attitude and cynical way of thinking kept us down.  I would look at opportunity and think of the thousand ways it could fail.  I called myself a realist.

The truth of the matter is, that if you stop making excuses, own up to your faults, and then realize your faults are actually the lessons you've failed to learn in life...You can finally learn to grow.  Grow from them, flip the switch on your brain.  Start thinking about the ways that you WILL SUCCEED.  Have the mindset that you are valuable. You have skills.  You have something to contribute or something to sky rocket you into amazing success!  It all starts with programming your brain to think POSITIVELY.  

I know what you are saying... Oh God, another flighty free-thinker with her head in the clouds telling me to just "be positive".  Well... what is the problem?  What are you so afraid of?  Face yourself.  Why can't you try it?  Think of something you would love to achieve or a job you want.... now before you flood yourself with doubt and all the "I don'ts" and "I'm not's", say, "I AM _______"  and "I DO ______" and begin to think of the ways you CAN achieve that goal or job or life.  Tell me your brain isn't just going 100 miles an hour imagining all of the possibilities on how you can ACHIEVE rather than fail.  

I really have begun an amazing journey toward building my own business, and there are a lot of nay-sayers around me... but I don't let them in any more.  I'm shooting for the stars and I won't stop till I reach them... and even then... who knows?!  

I really do recommend you pick up this book, and give the pages a turn.  You won't be sorry.  I want you to come back here after you've read the first 3 chapters and tell me what you think. Deal?

The Magic Of Thinking Big - Paperback:

Audible Version:

Friday, January 18, 2013

I Want to Start a Home Based Business!

Okay, you are in the same boat as a lot of other people!  With jobs you hate, bosses that take advantage, and not enough money to cover the Cost of Living everyone is getting stressed.  There are a ton of options out there for you if you are only willing to look within and see what story you have to tell.  How can you help others?  Do you possess a certain skill?  Do you have a passion that cannot be tamed?  AWESOME that is step one.  I am going to give you an example of a home based business that has very low overhead, and will produce great gains that increase through residual sales every month.

Beachbody coaching.  You may say, "What in the world is Beachbody?"  Well if you've ever been flipping through television at night, you probably saw an Insanity or P90X infomercial right?  Well, Beachbody is the company behind those programs and MANY MANY more!  To name a few:

  • Brazil Butt Lift
  • Turbo Fire
  • Les Mills Pump
  • Les Mills Combat
  • Rev Abs
  • Slim in 6
  • The 10 minute Trainer
  • Body Gospel
and the list goes on and on and on.  Beachbody releases the most ELITE exercise programs on the PLANET. These programs work, and so do the supplements... as any customer will tell you.  The coaching opportunity is something that customers tend to become because they are so inspired by their own results that they want to help others reach the same goals!  Think about it, you share things that you love with the people you KNOW can find value in it right?  That is what a coach does along with many other things but the core purpose is to Help others achieve their goals through health and fitness.  Now THAT is an admirable purpose.

Being a coach is not a Pyramid scheme.  It is a real Home based business.  You do not purchase stock and try to sell it (Amway, MaryKay, Avon).  The products will sell themselves through your website (which is provided TO you). No shipping, no hassle of being all salesy!  You quite literally show people who you are, and what you've accomplished in health and fitness, and try to help them find a program that tailors to their needs!  It is about helping others, pointing them in the right direction, and then standing by their side to make sure they get the best results.

What you need:
To build this as a business you need:

  • The desire to help others achieve their goals
  • Decent Social Media Skills
  • The will to persist against negativity (it is inevitable)
  • A go-getter attitude
  • A business mentality
  • People skills
  • To be able to share your story with others
  • To know when to push and when to walk away
What you DO NOT need:

  • A background in marketing
  • To purchase stock
  • To sell sell sell sell sell 
  • To be in the best shape
  • To be a nutritionist, a doctor, a fitness instructor
Building ANY business from the ground up typically costs thousands of dollars. Coaching start up is not even REMOTELY close to that, and the perks are exciting, and yummy!

If you want to here about coaching straight from the coach's mouth, register for a FREE Webinar here:

If you want motivation,inspiration, and many times a laugh,
follow me on Twitter @LisaKingslayer
friend me on FB 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

How NOT to treat your Friends and Family

We've all been on the receiving end of judgement handed down by our closest friends and family.  How did that make you feel?  Like crap right?  So don't do it to your other family members or your friends and especially don't do it to yourself.  The general population of individuals are usually striving toward some sort of goal... and end result to hard work.  People NEED a support structure to reach goals and to dream big!  And so I want to discuss the things you should NOT do to your friends and family if they are counting on your for moral support.

#1 DO NOT BE NEGATIVE OR JUDGMENTAL: This is perhaps the hardest thing NOT to do but when you master it, you will find your friends and family confide in you more, and reach out to you in times of desperate need.  When you love your family and friends, you should WANT to be the person they know they can count on.  This will spill over into your professional life as well. Be the person who accepts others' thoughts, dreams, aspirations, and opinions without bias.  The flip side to this is if the dreams/goals/opinions will cause someone harm or harm your loved one.  In that case... you are completely justified in stating a negative opinion TO that person... not to others, but TO THE PERSON TELLING YOUR THEIR ideas.

#2 DO NOT PUBLICLY CHASTISE OR BELITTLE:  With Social media at the forefront of communication, it can be easy to take a jab at someone when they post something you do not believe to be true.  However, before you post something in response, take a moment to discover the purpose of the post.  Is it a post to incite a riot on the topic?  Is it a post to inspire others toward betterment?  Is it simply a post about something in which they hold an interest?  Is it a post about something extremely important to them?  Until you can decipher the purpose of the post... do not respond.  For example, if you see a post encouraging others to get organized... do not go on a rant about how making lists is stupid, or that you are too busy for such things... Keep your negative and non-uplifting comments out of the conversation because clearly, the purpose of the post was to invite others to give ideas or ask questions on how to get organized... not to whine.

#3 If you do not want anything to do with encouraging your friend or loved ones in their goals or dreams, SAY SO.  Do this tactfully, but simply state your case.  This way there is no confusion as to where you stand, and they will not bother you with questions for advice, or help.

#4 DO NOT DOWNGRADE yourSELF publicly or privately.  No matter what you are doing in life, you must believe that YOU can make your situation better.  Without self confidence you cannot hope to change anything about your life.  Remember that you are human, and a good person and worthy of love, and happiness.  If the people around you are not fueling your positive furnace... then you need to address it, and/or cut them out of your life.  Negativity breeds negativity and despair.  Chin up, be yourself, and know that you are smart, strong, and able!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Unmagical Truth about Magical Weightloss Pills

Like many of you, I struggled with weight my ENTIRE life.  I always had big thighs, hips and a big ole bubble butt.  The teasing that occurred not just in school but at home was unbearable at times.  I was extremely active as a child and as a teenager but I was still "chunky" and THAT is what bothered me so much about the relentless teasing.  It wasn't like I was sitting on my butt popping cheetos and drinking soda all day.  I was in Varsity Swimming, Color Guard for Marching Band, Drama, Softball, and I had to ride my bike everywhere I went.  So, I was by no means lazy.  As an adult, my weight became an even bigger obstacle.  I started looking for potential quick fixes to my problem.  So, the purpose of this particular blog to is to show you that even when something is deemed "SAFE" by the FDA, that can always change... AND it does not mean it is effective in weight loss.

Chitosan: Remember those magic pills that when you took them 30 minutes before eating, they would "trap" your fat from your meal into globules and virtually eliminate the fat from everything you ate?
CLAIM You can eat ANYTHING you want, as much as you want, as long as you take this pill.
REALITY:  Chitosan has NOT been proven effective at trapping fat INSIDE the stomach, and keeping it from absorbing into the body via the intestines.  In fact according to WebMD, Livestrong, and Columbia University, the only effectiveness shown with Chitosan was when a calorie restricted diet was part of the regimen... which, the weightloss was most likely a direct result of the cut calories rather than the Chitosan.

The REAL use of Chitosan is: Help in rebuilding damaged or traumatized human tissues.

Alli:  A fat-blocker pill that when taken orally has been linked to helping people lose more weight than with diet and exercise alone. Great news right??  Gonna go out and buy some right now?

Think again!  Forbes just released an article reviewing a study performed by the National Institute for Health.    View it here:

In essence, Orlistat ( the active ingredient in Alli, approved in 1999 by the FDA) has been linked to failure of the major digestive/filtration organs of the body such as the liver and kidneys, I don't know about you, but I'd like to KEEP my liver and kidneys functioning at optimum capacity!

Ephedra:  A chemical derived thereof called Ephedrine is linked to modest weight loss for individuals who ingest a low cal low fat diet and exercise regularly.

WARNINGS from the FDA: Ephedra is "likely unsafe of Adults and Children"  It causes High Blood Pressure, heart attack, stroke, severe and disabling disorders in most individuals, siezures, irregular heart beat, and death.  Compare this to the list of side effects of the drug Ecstasy.  So, sure, you'll lose weight, but you might die doing it. ;)

There are a ton of other magic pills and treatments out there, but when it really comes down to it... the goal is to be healthy and fit, and that means your body is in proper working order.  You feed it what it needs, and you exercise it regularly.  Fit does not always equate to THIN.

I hope I have been able to shed some light on these drugs and dismantle the idea that there is a quick fix to any and all weight problems.  Hard work, exercise, and proper diet are the only SURE FIRE ways to be healthy... period.