Saturday, January 12, 2013

How NOT to treat your Friends and Family

We've all been on the receiving end of judgement handed down by our closest friends and family.  How did that make you feel?  Like crap right?  So don't do it to your other family members or your friends and especially don't do it to yourself.  The general population of individuals are usually striving toward some sort of goal... and end result to hard work.  People NEED a support structure to reach goals and to dream big!  And so I want to discuss the things you should NOT do to your friends and family if they are counting on your for moral support.

#1 DO NOT BE NEGATIVE OR JUDGMENTAL: This is perhaps the hardest thing NOT to do but when you master it, you will find your friends and family confide in you more, and reach out to you in times of desperate need.  When you love your family and friends, you should WANT to be the person they know they can count on.  This will spill over into your professional life as well. Be the person who accepts others' thoughts, dreams, aspirations, and opinions without bias.  The flip side to this is if the dreams/goals/opinions will cause someone harm or harm your loved one.  In that case... you are completely justified in stating a negative opinion TO that person... not to others, but TO THE PERSON TELLING YOUR THEIR ideas.

#2 DO NOT PUBLICLY CHASTISE OR BELITTLE:  With Social media at the forefront of communication, it can be easy to take a jab at someone when they post something you do not believe to be true.  However, before you post something in response, take a moment to discover the purpose of the post.  Is it a post to incite a riot on the topic?  Is it a post to inspire others toward betterment?  Is it simply a post about something in which they hold an interest?  Is it a post about something extremely important to them?  Until you can decipher the purpose of the post... do not respond.  For example, if you see a post encouraging others to get organized... do not go on a rant about how making lists is stupid, or that you are too busy for such things... Keep your negative and non-uplifting comments out of the conversation because clearly, the purpose of the post was to invite others to give ideas or ask questions on how to get organized... not to whine.

#3 If you do not want anything to do with encouraging your friend or loved ones in their goals or dreams, SAY SO.  Do this tactfully, but simply state your case.  This way there is no confusion as to where you stand, and they will not bother you with questions for advice, or help.

#4 DO NOT DOWNGRADE yourSELF publicly or privately.  No matter what you are doing in life, you must believe that YOU can make your situation better.  Without self confidence you cannot hope to change anything about your life.  Remember that you are human, and a good person and worthy of love, and happiness.  If the people around you are not fueling your positive furnace... then you need to address it, and/or cut them out of your life.  Negativity breeds negativity and despair.  Chin up, be yourself, and know that you are smart, strong, and able!

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