Monday, March 3, 2014

I Hate You Mom! Episode 2

Imagine if you will, morning in a sleepy town like any other small town.  A mother zipping around the house, getting clothes for the children, cooking breakfast for the family, and trying desperately to remember all of the things that need to be done on a Monday morning before school and work.

In a whir of sound and fury come the children abounding and both slinging rapid fire questions about breakfast and what they want, and how they want it, and where is the cinnamon toast crunch?....

The mother says simply, "please leave the kitchen". And in between more loud shouts of demands she says more firmly, "Please leave the kitchen".  And still with even more questions, and now the children are stopping her from being able to move about the kitchen to prepare not only breakfast for everyone, but also snacks and lunch for her and daddy. Finally the mother has had enough and yells, "I SAID LEAVE THE KITCHEN!"

The children flee and scream, running down the hallway as if chased by the Walking Dead.  And 1 minute later one returns... the brown haired, brown-eyed, stubborn and brave little Phoebe.  She peeks around the fridge asking, "So are we going to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast?"  Mother replies, "No".

After the look of "YOU KILLED MY CAT" from Phoebe, and huge tears welling in her eyes... she says, "you are the meanest mommy ever!"

So, here is the deal my little darlings...  My job is not to cater to your every desire.  I am your mommy and am therefore in charge of making sure you eat properly, you go to school, you remain somewhat non-infectious through bathing and hand washing, and of course LOVING YOU.  You will not bully me into doing something I have already said "NO" to.  No, simply means No.  And that simple lesson is one you need to learn, because it applies in a lot of different scenarios.  One being boys, and I won't even go there right now.  But, what I want to express to future you, is that you; I am sure, are happy that I did not feed you junk all of the time.  I gather that you are probably passing along proper eating to your children as you read this.  At least I hope you are.  I want to explain why I am so adamant about not doing fast food and junk on a regular basis... and I want to apologize for the amount of times we have used it, or consumed it that has led you to believe this should happen more often.

Growing up the way we did on such a fixed income, we did not have the ability to be choosy about what we ate. Mom (Your grandma Hope) made due with what she had. That meant a ton of pasta, hamburger helper, rice, and any other number of low cost meals.  We ate bowls of white rice covered in milk butter and sugar for dinner because it was easy, and cheap.  And I appreciate all of the hard work that she and Papa Mike went through to put that food on our table.  However, I had a weight problem due largely to the food I was eating.  And it continued into adulthood because I did not know HOW to eat healthy, nor did I know I wasn't.

I have the knowledge now, and because I know that I have struggled with addiction to sweets (because I always had them on hand as a child and a teenager)... I know the same can happen to you. So, I just don't have them around.  I want you to look at cookies and cake as treats for once in a while, not an every night occurrence.  I want you to eat the foods that you need so your body works properly. I want you to be healthy, and have the best chance at not being obese, getting sick, or have bad skin.  I'm not telling you these things as children right now, because I do not want to put that worry on you.  No, I keep that to myself.

So,  I will take the dirty looks. I will listen to how horrible I am for not buying your cinnamon toast crunch anymore... because I hope one day, when you are running races, or being athletic in some way, or simply playing with your children, you can look back and say, "She really did care about us."  I don't want you to endure the teasing, and the struggles I went through.  I don't want you to perpetuate the history of heart disease and digestive cancers with which our family is plagued.  I want to give your insides the best chance possible at being healthy in a world of fast food, convenience, and gluttony.  I love you both!
~The Worst, Meanest Mom EVER!~

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