Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I Hate You Mom! Pt.1

My dearest Faith and Phoebe,

I decided to start a new series in my blog called, "I Hate You Mom!" In your honor. In hopes that one day, your children will utter those exact words to you as you do to me.

Now, before you get all offended, and upset... let me say this, I hope they say it, because, as you say it to me I know you do not mean it. I know you are simply angry that I won't give in to your current whim. So, when your children say it to you, I hope it is for those same reasons.

Tonight, I took you shopping with me and my dear friend Jennifer Murphy. You will remember her as Jenn with the fluffy hair, mommy's running buddy, or mother to the yellow boy and the black boy*. I was buying new pants, and could not find the cut/size/fabric I wanted. It was stressful enough without the constant shrieks and knocking over of the clothes in Marshalls... and then we went to Kohl's.  Mistake #2 (Can you gather what the 1st mistake was?)

At this point it is around 8:00 PM (Your current bed time), and Phoebe, you are crying about everything. The lights are too bright... you want to keep the dirty purple stuffed bunny you found randomly lying on the floor near a clearance rack, and of course, "Faithy keeps bothering me!".  Faith, you are tormenting your sister, sassing me, and strutting up and down the aisles like you are on a runway (God Help me).

I managed to find ONE pair of pants (when I needed 3), so small victory to mom.  I also managed to get out of the store without buying either of you a single thing, including the purple bunny (victory #'s 2 and 3).

At one point you both said you wished I was more like Gracie's mom, (Who is a great friend of mine and I love her), said You didn't want to live with me, and stomped your foot.

After a detour to Food Lion to pick up some Sprinkle Wine (2 bottles... one for me, and one to say thanks to Jenn for putting up with the fiasco).  I forgot to get cat food, and had to cook the cat some meat to tide her over till the morning.... and sat down at my computer to work my THIRD job to make sure you are both taken care of.

Why am I writing this to you?  Because at the end of the day, when you lay down to sleep (yelling at me about how you want to watch Spongebob or Breadwinners)... I love you.  I know you don't mean all the mean things you say, and you don't know how hard I work for this family... and I am glad that you don't have to worry about that right now.  BUT, I am glad that one day, you will look back at these entries and realize 2 things:  #1, the best children can still act up and be mean, and #2, the mother's curse is alive and well in your offspring.  You're welcome.  I love you both so much.

I just kissed you both goodnight about 4 minutes ago, and you are now snoring sweetly on the couch.  I will always love you, kiss you, hug you and remind you how awesome you are.


*My children are referring to other children by their hair color... so step off your soapbox about the racism.

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